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Beaconsfields (SuDS)

  • Traffic Loading: Light, Pedestrian
  • Project Size: 365 m2
  • Region: UK South East
  • Main Contractor: The Ethical Stone Company Ltd
  • Client: Private
  • Elements: Natural Stone, Italian Porphyry
  • Completed: 2017-01-30

The site, a 365m2 driveway to a private residence in Beaconsfield, located atop a hill, slopes by 4% (1:25), causing problems with water run-off, which collected fines from the existing bound gravel creating severe silting of the drainage system and surrounding hard/soft landscaped areas.

The brief was to implement a sustainable natural stone solution that would cope with rainfall, be aesthetically pleasing, and be more practical to walk and park on.

Site Investigation
A series of trial bores revealed a subgrade of sandy clay, suitable for a 'Type B - Partial Infiltration' permeable paving system (BS 7533-13:2009).

Following the removal of the top 120mm layer of existing bound gravel, the 70-90mm bedding layer of tuffbau tuffgrit bedding was installed. Onto this, the new porphyry driveway was laid by hand in traditional bogen interlocking arc pattern. To complete the job, tuffbau tuffgrit was brushed into joints, followed by two passes with a 350kg vibrating plate compactor.

The construction has provided a low cost, durable, fully interlocked permeable unbound pavement able to withstand frequent heavy turning traffic whilst providing SuDS-compliant drainage.

Since construction, despite heavy rainfall, water run-off has been reduced by approximately 80-90% and water now reaching the existing drainage system is clear—having passed through the tuffgrit jointing and bedding layers.

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Products Used

  • tuffgrit - Bedding aggregate

    A crushed igneous rock aggregate suitable for use as the laying course material for conventional unbound modular pavements and as the ...